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Secure a product transfer ahead of maturity

Date Published: 13 June 2024

Read time: 2 minutes

Our new competitive existing customer rates are now available to support your clients with a product maturing up to the end of November.

Our new competitive existing customer rates are now available to support your clients with a product maturing up to the end of November. All customers with a product maturing will have received their product maturity letters, which includes all the information you need to manage your customer’s product transfer online with a few clicks. What’s more, your client can secure a new rate with us up to 6 months ahead of the product maturity date, giving them peace of mind. We are committed to supporting your clients whose products are maturing and offer a range of products that include exclusive rates for our existing borrowers.

Why transfer with us?

  • Exclusive rates for existing customers.
  • It’s quick and easy with our online product transfer tool.
  • Apply online, no need to send any paperwork.
  • Secure a new rate up to 6 months ahead of maturity*.
  • Earn a procuration fee of 0.20%.

*If rates fall again before maturity, you can choose another rate.

All products are available on sourcing systems to help support upcoming maturities. See below for more product details and information on product transfers.

Contact us

If you have any case questions or your client is experiencing any payment difficulties, we’re here to help. Please get in touch with your dedicated Business Development Manager or contact our Intermediary Support Team at or 0345 602 2338.